methamphetamine hydrochloride [ mĕth′ăm-fĕtə-mēn′, -mĭn ]


methamphetamine hydrochloride 的定义

n. 名词 noun

    methamphetamine hydrochloride 近义词

    methamphetamine hydrochloride

    等同于 smelling salts

    methamphetamine hydrochloride 的近义词 5

    更多methamphetamine hydrochloride例句

    1. Methamphetamine addiction is central to more than one story.
    2. Much like the TV show Breaking Bad, the Mexican Mafia are real life methamphetamine kingpins.
    3. He could transport heroin and methamphetamine with impunity.
    4. Gupta points out that even methamphetamine and cocaine are recognized for their therapeutic value as “Schedule II” drugs.
    5. So what to do with the illicit cocaine and methamphetamine users?
    6. The so-called “artificial camphor” is pinene hydrochloride (see Terpenes).
    7. For the latter chloroxyl, the hydrochloride of phenylcinchoninic acid, is recommended.
    8. Monro has observed remarkable results from the hypodermic injection of emetin hydrochloride in ½-grain doses.
    9. The precipitate is dried, and by concentrating the aqueous solution a further quantity of the hydrochloride is obtained.
    10. The nitrate and hydrochloride are at present much used in pharmacy.